Chronic Disease Management (CDM) in General Practice involves early identification of chronic disease, appropriate primary and secondary prevention, and evidence based management. Nurse-Doctor teams have a key role to play in these areas of chronic disease in the community, as General Practice is usually the first point of contact in the health system.
PAT offers a number of innovations:
A GP Management Plan (Item 721) may be completed by the patient’s usual GP for any chronic condition. A chronic condition is one that is likely to last 6 months or longer or is terminal. The minimum time to repeat the GPMP is 12 months unless the patient’s condition changes significantly.
A Team Care Arrangement (Item 723) can be completed after an Item 721 and this entitles the patient to 5 subsidised allied health visits in a 12-month period. PAT automatically generates the Team Care Arrangement (TCA) form for allied health refferals.
The PAT tool will greatly assist with these areas and item numbers, and consists of 3 main sections:
Patients, either with the aid of a nurse, answer a questionnaire on a touch-screen device and get interactive education based on their answers. The education includes motivational interviewing for smoking, losing weight & exercising. Answers to specific questions are used by the software to customise the Management Plan.
The Nurse Section is a checklist of tasks needed to be performed before the patient sees the doctor. Added to the patient section answers it provides the doctor with a comprehensive starting point.
The doctor completes a number of questions that include relevant pathology results, data entered by the nurse and links to evidence-based guidelines. A management plan is incrementally generated semi-automatically and edited to suit the person. The management plan combines relevant data entered by the patient and doctor.